15 July, 2011

Black metal the genre, it's dead.

If I had to classify my favorite genre of metal, and quite possibly music itself I would say "black metal" simply because that's what a majority of the bands at the top of my list would fall under. However, I believe the best bands defy genres. I'd like to think the music created by projects I've involved with, and music I create doesn't fit into one "genre," I'd like to think it's evolved beyond that point. I feel a bit upset to see so many people scrutinize black metal bands that evolved past the genre boundaries, to me it means they're better than simply "black metal." Being a black metal band likely puts a band near my top favorites, evolving beyond the genre puts a band at the top. Oh, and if someone says they only enjoy one genre of music: they're lying! That isn't possible. It means they're afraid to tell you, or they don't listen to other genres because they are weak minded and are doing what they're told! I posted a rant earlier on my Last.fm, if you are so inclined to see my initial reaction to this needing to come out, it is here: http://www.last.fm/user/nafets1218/journal/2011/07/15/4hjfdj_my_take_on_%22black_metal%22

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