31 December, 2017

Climate Change/Happy New Year!

For some reason, I see many people who want to think that it doesn't exist or that they know everything about it. Here are the facts: The EPA and NASA have been measuring a rise in CO2 in the atmosphere and a general warming trending in the ocean, with temperatures expected to continually rise. Far lesser mentioned facts however are that trees breathe in CO2, humans breathe out CO2, methane strongly contributes to global warming and farmers keeping so many animals in such a small area is exceptionally bad for the environment, and major deforestation has occurred at the hands of humans. Humans are being so simple minded to assume that there's one simple solution to a complicated, long exacerbated problem that's been festering for far longer than we'd like to acknowledge, and we should have learned long ago after banning CFCs, which no one seems to remember, which were destroying the Ozone layer and caused a general cooling trend, that our gas emissions have a direct effect on the environment and that we, unfortunately have a tendancy to create a few problems for ever variable we change.

I would like to know who are the 97% of scientists the media constantly cites to justify telling everyone to drive electric cars? And I often wonder if they're too stupid to know that by simply not having cut down so many trees and replanting as much as we take, not keeping mass quantities of cattle shoved in such small areas, and not having overpopulated we wouldn't have such a serious problem? Or are the media and/or these "scientists" intentionally only telling part of the story? Are they being paid off? Many scientists are in someone's pocket. Is the public seriously ignorant enough to believe someone had a chance to ask 97% of the people across every scientific field their views on global warming? It's highly unlikely, and I'm personally guessing a scientist is just asked a yes or no question about believing in global warming and the media runs with their version of global warming regardless; they turned it into a political issue.

Global warming is not a political issue; humans are contributing to an atypical trend in the natural flow of climate change by allowing too much CO2 and CH4 to be released into the atmosphere and causing above normal temperatures. It's only natural in the sense that humans are natural; humans are having an impact on the larger trend that is dangerous for our own survival long-term, but then again, maybe it's only natural for us to destroy ourselves? Despite what the media tells you, you don't need to feed the capitalist system by buying an electric car to have any positive impact in the evironment: plant a tree, grow your own food and hunt wild game for your meat, walk instead of drive... Maybe not all of these or all the time, but my point is that everyone can make at least a small difference without having to buy a car that will do its own damage to the environment in due time anyway! Try to live in moderation, and try not to damage nature in excess of what is natural for you as a human being.

In 2018 let's all remember that we're stronger together than apart, in unison with nature rather than resisting it, and let's make a positive change; happy new year!

16 July, 2017

A New Dethcentrik track, and a few uncomfortable topics

Hey all! You read that right, new Dethcentrik, and not a remix! Let's let you listen to that before and/or while you read to maybe dampen the blow, or make or worse... Here you go!:

In a way this track is somewhat related to this topic. I'm going to get into the needs of people, the needs of the universe, and why the needs of one are objectively far more important than the other, why you're a terrible person for disagreeing with that, and how even those of us who believe the whole is most important are complete hypocrites.

The needs of humans

As individuals: As individual human beings, I think it would be safe to say that considering the needs of others does leave less for the individual. This leads to my core issue with society in this country, and for that matter the world, and perhaps it's just instinctive, but it's disgusting on so many levels. People who strive for self-success (and, to an extent we all do) often think only of themselves, and I feel that this attitude is not only the most deplorable moral outlook on life, this "take what I want, kill others and the environment by doing so, and preserve my happiness by ignoring suffering" (more on that in a minute), "and do whatever to whomever" attitude, but I feel it's become far more prevalent in recent time. These are the kinds of people who own shares in companies like Philip Morris international, willing to sue a government over regulation, and willingness to sell them to anyone in any place that they legally can. How few people are making money, and how many are dying? I personally get disgusted by Diamond commercials, because I think it's wrong to financially support violence over something shiny! And now, the culture as a whole is being taught this mentality to divide those who need each other so that the people in power can keep as much as they can! When I recently saw an Episode of Bill Maher, I turned it off at about this point:
If you can't tell me what was racist about someone telling people they have to act differently because their skin color is different, you're racist and probably technically retarded (meaning literally, it's an actual objective term that refers to a certain intelligence quotient level), but I don't think Ice Cube knows he's technically racist just like he probably has no idea rap isn't technically music. First of all, why does this country still preach and implement the ideas of eugenics? I do find it rather odd that people think the Democratic Party has changed so much since the days they were literally known as "the white man's party," considering "white" and "black" are both eugenics terms, eugenics being the very backbone of white supremacy, and I hear about "black" and "white" all the time from them. I'm not saying there aren't more malignant or even malicious racists in the "Republican Party" of today, but I am saying that if you support one of the two major parties, you support racism, whether you ascribe to it or not. This idea of helping as many people as we can as spread by the media and politicians, really ties back to a sociopathic/psychopathic egoist's conquest of exploitation. Why? Because evolution dictates that those incapable of survival should die, and yet "doing the right thing" is preserving people who should be dead, not for the sake of the one preserved, but for the sake of keeping another consumer around to work to death and milk for money, and it just strokes one's ego by manipulating those unintelligent masses. An explosive, like a firecracker, shouldn't need a warning label telling you not to hold it while it's lit, you're supposed to die if you're that stupid, that's just a fact. You shouldn't feel sorry for people like that, because you're stroking the idiot's ego, and therefore filling the wallets and stroking the egos of the wealthy, by validating people when they should not be...

As a species: As homosapien sapiens, we have to consider what we mean by best for the species: do we mean reaching our largest population, or lasting as long as we can? Let's take a different approach: what's best for the largest portion of humans we have here and now? We can't have all three, but let's start in order from the most egotistical and speciesist views to the least, and as we go along we'll transition into what's best for the the most biological entities and the universe, because my opinion is that the best option for us is actually the least species-centered of our options for survival as a species, but as an Atheist, I don't really believe in an objectively wrong answer. What's best for the people here and now? This is the most selfish option we can choose by far, the idea that the needs of the human alive today outweigh the needs of any other living thing. This mentality is directly responsible for rapid destruction of the planet, however, we have enough resources we've already raped out of the planet to take better care of people we do have. I am against suffering, and was recently disturbed by the increase in funding of Yemeni genocide and terrorism by the United States through supplying Saudi Arabia with even more to kill with, this is part of why the band released the track we did, some of those samples give an idea of the disgusting mistreatment humans receive. Our predominant politician sample in the track above came from this speech by Rand Paul, which I actually felt was very important:

This doesn't mean I agree with Rand 100% of the time, but you shouldn't dismiss him because he ran in the "Republican" primaries, in fact, never dismiss an idea, if it exists, even if entirely delusional, it has real world consequences, try and look at all the arguments, and find the truth for yourself. It is wrong to let people needlessly suffer, when we clearly have the resources to cause the suffering, we certainly have the means to at least decrease it without serious long-term repercussions, but egoism and a desire for control seem to be blocking us from doing so. That said, if we were all doing so well, the planet would not be, but we can certainly cut back on suffering by leaving well enough alone and not infringing on other people for personal gain. Having the largest population we can isn't necessarily a desire to destroy the planet, but it is inconsiderate of the fact that we'd be doing so. Like I said before, we preserve people who should not have survived beyond 200-300 years ago with the intelligence they have. Many humans have the speciesist notion that we can survive without nature's help, and are either deluded that we can maintain a much larger population and don't realize the damage overpopulation has already caused and will continue to cause. If we are to survive for a long period of time as humans, I feel we will be most successful as a species, we would have to learn to accept the reality that the world around us requires a balance that we cannot tip in order to save ourselves from extinction. Of all the options that involve us, this is the most in line with what you be more balanced for life and the universe as a whole.

The needs of the Universe:

For this segment, I will define the needs of the universe as the least amount of overall environmental destruction (universally), and the preservation of the most amount of biological life over the longest period of time. Our best option? Mass extinction. More life would be able to bounce back if we had a mass extinction, meaning, or so I hypothesize, that more living entities would exist during the existence of the universe if most of the ones currently around died.

Why we're all hypocrites and that's okay:

My favorite option? Let's find a balance and go with the option to keep our species around as long as possible, why? Because we're all a little bit egotistical and want living entities like us to survive the ages, but if we don't accept that nature will choose for us and do what's best for itself if we don't play along, we all lose anyway. And as a storm chaser (speaking of, find my fairly recently created profile on The Weather Channel's website here) I'm entirely hypocritical, I save people from being killed by a lack of knowledge and attentiveness. And we all likely have friends and family, and most of us likely ourselves would stand no chance of survival on our own. Let's find balance and make the world a better place so it will take more care of us!

14 March, 2017

A lot's going on

Hi again all!
I'm about to be busy, and I'm so excited!
First off, we're finally going to be finishing the next Dethcentrik album, here's a teaser:
In addition, I play guitar in a new band called f.kk.d:
And tornado season will be starting in around a month or so here. I'm really excited, and I can't wait to share this upcoming year with you!

19 February, 2017

Right and Left Wing Etremism - Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, and Irritationality

Hey all,
I made the mistake of delving into the dark world of political media, and I'd just like to point out that you don't have to be "left" or "right" "conservative" or "liberal," and if you are, you probably aren't that intelligent. Both sides are getting very extreme, and they're both full of sexist, racist, bigots. Let me just point out how discriminatory beliefs on both sides are:

Left:                                                                                    Right:
Dark skin>Light                                                        Light skin>dark
Females>Males                                                         Males>Females
Gay>Straight                                                               Straight>Gay
Transgender> Birth gender                       Birth gender>Transgender
Other beliefs>Christianity               Christians>Other/None>Muslims

The extremes on both sides are against freedom of speech if the opinion contradicts their own, and the enemy is always the "other side." I guess we'll all just have to live with these types of "people" until we can enable them to entirely exterminate each other or until we can engineer a deadly virus that latches onto the RNA of unintelligent people, but that probably won't happen in our lifetimes, if ever.

So here we are: people who hate each other because of traits that really don't matter because we're all human beings, and I'm sick of the "left" having an attitude straight out of Animal Farm. As some of you may know, I've been accused of being a racist for treating people the way I'd treat anyone because their skin color was different, and even had a story fabricated that I had called someone homosexual a "fag" (disciplinary action was taken by my college over that rumor), sent home from school because "Jesus wouldn't like my shirt," and other illegal/discriminatory treatment in the name of political correctness, religion, and the status quo.

Let me say, that in terms of elected officials, I think the right tends to have worst villains, but that doesn't mean that you should choose "the other side" because that's sheepish an stupid to do. Let me remind that Hillary Clinton victimized the shooter of a  racist left-wing terrorist attack and made sure "race" was brought up, yet, Dethcentrik played Devil's advocate with Columbine Justice Spree (ironically Dethcentrik's most popular track on Spotify currently), and didn't add "race" in there, our video gets banned from YouTube.
She didn't say his actions were right, but neither did we. There's no indication he had personally encountered racist police officers, the media just likes to dig for a meaning to a story that will create conflict, and this idiot fell right into their lap; lo and behold they have another news story because society and the media brainwashed another weak-minded, unintelligent individual into its extreme way of thinking.

Remember "The Innocence of Muslims?"
It was a film essentially shitting on Islam. Was it offensive? To some people sure, but that's not a reason to jail someone, and while I understand he "violated his probation," why suddenly arrest him after this movie leaves some people butthurt? Yet the left is using Trump's authoritarianism as justification to hate him all the time, even though Obama signed indefinite detention, an outright fascist extension to the patriot act that Bush made after two buildings collapsed from... Being hit by airplanes they were meant to withstand and somehow the plane made an explosion before impact and caused the beams to have cuts and they collapsed inward like a building being demolished professionally?...Sure.

Additionally, I'd like to mention that Russia was not hacking for the Republican party,  the media will gladly lie to you and say that Russia hacked the DNC to help the Republicans, no the Republicans helped themselves by not taking the bait for the phishing scam sent to both parties.

The media is to the public what Charles was to the Manson family; constantly instilling (or trying) a sense of paranoia in everyone listening. If you can't think for yourself, you are of no use to society: you're unevolved, unintelligent, and quite frankly your time has been over, so either make yourself useful or get out of the way, because if you subscribe to an ideology you're brainwashed into, you're just as much of a puppet as your dear leader: Dick Jong Trump. Both extremes lead to fascism: Hitler leaned to the "right" and Stalin, Lenin, and Mao leaned to the "left." So before you just call someone a Nazi, ask yourself if you're supporting fascism by being the idea police.

18 February, 2017

Revival of Blog: What I've been up to

Hey all!
It's been a while! 4 years and 6 days to be exact, wow! This one's gonna be a bit long, just gonna bring up some highlights and current events.

Last I had written here was to inform you all of my soundtrack work. Well, a lot has happened since then. On my to do list: a few remixes, a few releases on my label, some keyboards (and maybe guitars and sampling) for Omega Dub Experience, and finishing the more electro-industrial Dethcentrik album that's been in the works for years with Jeremiah Whitman and Roland Battistini.

Remember that remix album? There are many remixes out now, including a some that aren't on Why The Guilty Die Old, like the remix by Chris Vrenna (Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Tweaker), which appeared on the bonus track edition of Electronic Saviors, Volume 3: Remission:
Or the remix by Occulus that I included on my label's first sampler:
Blank Faced Prophet's been having a lot of fun with sonic experimentation, and has an album of remixes that include work by Dethcentrik and I, it's available for pre-order, and releases April 1st:
For those who are not aware, Blank Faced Prophet is the music of music blogger Aaron Joy, I did an interview with him;

The transcription is available on his blog.
Aaron and I have a long standing friendship that started when he discovered Dethcentrik, he was the first "journalist" to appreciate our art the way I felt it was supposed to be appreciated. I recently sent him a few bootlegs of my latest EP:
More on that, but what have I been doing lately and why haven't I been as active in the music scene?

Those who know me personally know that I love weather, I just can't get enough. I've been storm spotting for the National Weather Service in Pueblo, Colorado. And I may actually be the first person to film a tornado in 360 in Colorado, I have a Youtube channel and a Facebook page for my storm chasing photography and videos. I've been extremely passionate about meteorology and hope to earn a PhD in the field, so yes I will continue to chase, but I will also be more active in the music community again.

About that EP:
My latest EP; Red, White, And Fuck You! was intended to be free protest music released last Halloween, it was essentially a collection of rage to help the American people cope with the crazy election. Long story short, Amazon refused to give away my EP and that combined with the fact that Donald J Trump (of whom I have already expressed an opinion of on this blog) won the presidency, and I got a bit of an attitude and starting printing my own bootlegs. Spotify did put up the EP for streaming, and Google Play is giving out free digital downloads of it, so Amazon really didn't slow me down.

I'll be posting more regularly again, thanks for all the support everyone!