17 December, 2011

Good news, bad news, and everything in between.

Hello all! Want to thank everyone for their support, and want to share some exciting news: Divine Punishment is back! Here's a nostalgic look back at our first song ever:

Also, I have done guest vocals for Bassookah:

BASSOOKAH "Pig vs Pig (ft Død Beverte)" by BASSOOKAH If you haven't heard them already, here are remixes of Dethcentrik that Cold Metal Future performed:

DETHCENTRIK "Rip My Heart Out" - Cold Metal Future Remix by COLD METAL FUTURE

DETHCENTRIK "Columbine JusticeSpree" - Cold Metal Future Remix by COLD METAL FUTURE A remix of a solo song of mine can be found on their Palestine websingle, available here: http://www.archive.org/download/ColdMetalFuturepalestinewebsingle/ColdMetalFuture-PalestineWebsingle-2011.zip And finally on a more solemn note please listen to my message about SOPA and PIPA, the song in the background is Cold Metal Future's remix of Columbine Justice Spree:

Anti SOPA/PIPA message by stefan-klein