11 March, 2010

Need a Street Team!

The past week I've been extremely sick, but being sick for me always means promo! We've got a Dethcentrik store now, and while any one person can tell others about something cool, I would really like many others to join the few promoters my band has... Please give links to Dethcentrik's MySpace , Facebook , Twitter , or whatever social networking site you use. These links would be good to give to people: http://www.reverbnation.com/dethcentrik# , http://www.myspace.com/dethcentrik , http://www.deathincarnaterecords.com/dethcentrik , http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Dethcentrik/10150103919610492 , http://twitter.com/dethcentrik , and mention that we have a store on Reverbnation, and that we are distributed on many online MP3 retailers...