Hello all! Want to thank everyone for their support, and want to share some exciting news: Divine Punishment is back! Here's a nostalgic look back at our first song ever:
Also, I have done guest vocals for Bassookah:
BASSOOKAH "Pig vs Pig (ft Død Beverte)" by BASSOOKAH If you haven't heard them already, here are remixes of Dethcentrik that Cold Metal Future performed:
DETHCENTRIK "Rip My Heart Out" - Cold Metal Future Remix by COLD METAL FUTURE
DETHCENTRIK "Columbine JusticeSpree" - Cold Metal Future Remix by COLD METAL FUTURE A remix of a solo song of mine can be found on their Palestine websingle, available here: http://www.archive.org/download/ColdMetalFuturepalestinewebsingle/ColdMetalFuture-PalestineWebsingle-2011.zip And finally on a more solemn note please listen to my message about SOPA and PIPA, the song in the background is Cold Metal Future's remix of Columbine Justice Spree:
Anti SOPA/PIPA message by stefan-klein
17 December, 2011
03 November, 2011
GWAR's loss
Hey all. In light of learning of the death of Cory Smoot of GWAR, I wanted to give my condolences:
02 November, 2011
Thank you Mr. Trump!
Thanks to a certain Yahoo News Story, I liked a Jon Stewart bit:
Or course, seeing that Donald Trump can't handle what people think of him, being that he is a an emotionally weak individual, he blocked ratings and comments on the following video:
Personally, I want to thank Mr. Trump, I actually laughed at this clip from Jon Stewart, and I don't usually care for his show. He either doesn't see the logic behind why people aren't offended by racist humor but they're offended by actual racism, or he thinks that people are stupid enough to rally behind him over this, in which case what's new? A rich man trying to use his status to manipulate the masses and assuming that they aren't as smart just because they aren't rich? Another reason people may not call out a liberal for "racism" is because most modern conservatives talk about how wrong the race card is to play, and liberals don't, so at least the liberals aren't so hypocritical when it comes to racial allegations, and intelligent people are less willing to listen to hypocrites, and of course assuming they would listen reaffirms that Donald Trump thinks people with less money are less intelligent. So congratulations Mr. Trump, you're either an idiot, a bad person, or perhaps both, but you just made my day!
Or course, seeing that Donald Trump can't handle what people think of him, being that he is a an emotionally weak individual, he blocked ratings and comments on the following video:
Personally, I want to thank Mr. Trump, I actually laughed at this clip from Jon Stewart, and I don't usually care for his show. He either doesn't see the logic behind why people aren't offended by racist humor but they're offended by actual racism, or he thinks that people are stupid enough to rally behind him over this, in which case what's new? A rich man trying to use his status to manipulate the masses and assuming that they aren't as smart just because they aren't rich? Another reason people may not call out a liberal for "racism" is because most modern conservatives talk about how wrong the race card is to play, and liberals don't, so at least the liberals aren't so hypocritical when it comes to racial allegations, and intelligent people are less willing to listen to hypocrites, and of course assuming they would listen reaffirms that Donald Trump thinks people with less money are less intelligent. So congratulations Mr. Trump, you're either an idiot, a bad person, or perhaps both, but you just made my day!
24 October, 2011
Christian/Goverment Group Is Trying To Screw People With Opposing Viewpoints!
In case you didn't know, Colorado Springs is a corrupt hellhole, here's just one past example to verify what I mean. Well, as it turns out, the local government and certain religious groups are in cahoots to spy on people that don't see eye-to-eye with them, you can see that document HERE. According to this document "3000 members...one of Satan's strongholds" in reference to a church is a threat. We won't give any other names they have on their list here other than Dethcentrik. Yes, Dethcentrik's disagreement with evangelicals has landed them a spot as a threat, and apparently has given the government (law enforcement is specifically listed) permission to "monitor, record vehicle, get photos, observe associates." The bottom of the page even has "Symbols to watch for on bumper stickers" in a smaller font under the email text. There are indications that this PDF isn't even complete with all the things they've written, as you can't see what symbols they were looking for and "Individual band member photos in separate page" is printed above the email. Below is the slide about Dethcentrik:
The moral of the story is: the world is pretty fucked up, and even things you are promised (ie racial equality, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, etc here in the United States) tend to be a load of bull simply because biases and money corrupt. In parts of the world people are punished with torture and death for their beliefs, people are raped, children starve. People should do what little they can to fix this unfair, cruel world, and not use their beliefs (or say they believe something they don't) as a means to give in and simply take everything for themselves because it's easier...
01 October, 2011
Reviews, further networking, internet radio, and more!
Hello all! Got some important events/updates to tell you all about. First is that we are in need of reviews, here's an excellent review of my solo album Crucified Babies:
If you would like to review any Dethcentrik material or my solo work please email sgklein@deathincarnaterecords.com . We are currently looking to get reviews of Why the Innocent Die Young as our top priority album, and reviewing that album means you get to hear it before everyone else!
Secondly, we are in the midst of expanding our network, we fairly recently got a Tumblr. I won't deny that I still have to adjust to using it, so please pardon the current lack of content, I should be able to update it more often as it becomes more routine.
We are also trying to get more fans and listeners across internet radio, specifically Pandora, Last.fm, and Jango. I also should note that my solo work has a separate Last.fm page.
And lastly, but certainly no less important to mention is that Dethcentrik and I are on Spotify, and streams are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the support all, you fuckin' rock!\m/
If you would like to review any Dethcentrik material or my solo work please email sgklein@deathincarnaterecords.com . We are currently looking to get reviews of Why the Innocent Die Young as our top priority album, and reviewing that album means you get to hear it before everyone else!
Secondly, we are in the midst of expanding our network, we fairly recently got a Tumblr. I won't deny that I still have to adjust to using it, so please pardon the current lack of content, I should be able to update it more often as it becomes more routine.
We are also trying to get more fans and listeners across internet radio, specifically Pandora, Last.fm, and Jango. I also should note that my solo work has a separate Last.fm page.
And lastly, but certainly no less important to mention is that Dethcentrik and I are on Spotify, and streams are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the support all, you fuckin' rock!\m/
09 September, 2011
The world is too one-sided
When we watch the news, what do we see? There are varying degrees of bias, and I wanted to bring out how wrong the media really can be. I know these are old events, ironically both in Colorado. Two closely-timed church shootings carried out by the same man, and the massacre at Columbine High School. While both were tragic in their own right, the news was quick to demonize the shooters, to the point even of repeatedly attempting to force us to believe the Columbine shooters asked a girl if she believed in God before shooting her. Why do some witness accounts never recall the girl being asked if she believed in God? When government institutions in Colorado are allowed to take illegal disciplinary action based on religious bias should we really just buy into that? And thanks to a Denver Post article, it appears another shooter was more a victim than an aggressor. I think the Virginia Tech shooting was sick, and the shooting of a congresswoman in Arizona and the Norwegian terrorist attacks were appalling. Yet Fox News felt the need to defend pictures of targets over politicians, and claim that the Norwegian terrorists couldn't be Christians, and Glenn Beck compared the campers to the Hitler Youth. And how fast did the media blame Marilyn Manson for Columbine? If a Christian can't be terrorists, how come Muslims can? How come we can bring up 9/11 and Hurricanes, yet ignore the genocide in Sudan and the massive flooding and earthquakes in the East? If there's anything I want people the do after reading this: it's to question and not blindly accept, question even those telling you to question, even question me and this post. Believe what you do, but not because you're told it's right, but because you know it's right...
24 August, 2011
False news report
I wanted everyone to know that the following news report is actually untrue:
I in no way am upset with The Gauntlet, and personally believe it was based on a news tip from outside the publication itself. I'll be the first to admit, I wouldn't mind that much fan demand for a new album, nor would I mind great success of my solo album. However, I would never leave Dethcentrik for my own personal gain, Dethcentrik is my band, and Dethcentrik's fans deserve new music to listen to! On a side note our album is going to be delayed, and I apologize to all the fans for that, but there is no dispute with the label over lyrics, and our than personal delays on the band's part, the album is set for an uncensored, albeit late, release.
I wanted everyone to know that the following news report is actually untrue:
I in no way am upset with The Gauntlet, and personally believe it was based on a news tip from outside the publication itself. I'll be the first to admit, I wouldn't mind that much fan demand for a new album, nor would I mind great success of my solo album. However, I would never leave Dethcentrik for my own personal gain, Dethcentrik is my band, and Dethcentrik's fans deserve new music to listen to! On a side note our album is going to be delayed, and I apologize to all the fans for that, but there is no dispute with the label over lyrics, and our than personal delays on the band's part, the album is set for an uncensored, albeit late, release.
04 August, 2011
A favor, please?
Hello, and thank you for your continued support! As I had explained in a previous post, I am more reliant on major distribution to get my music out than I had realized. I am asking you, the fans, to please in an extremely effective way: being creative! Please make YouTube videos with our music, use our music for video games you may program, if you're a DJ or event planner or manager of some sort please use our music at any functions you may have a say in, play our music in your store, etc. I don't want your money, but I do want everyone to be able to hear my music! That said, some of our older material is BMI protected, but there are ways I should be able to get you waived of paying them, so if you have questions please email me: sgklein@deathincarnaterecords.com
My apologies, I broke a promise
Hi all.
I am very sorry to say, that I broke a promise I had made to you, the fans. I promised to stop using record labels. I gave to okay to have Dethcentrik's Untitled EP re-released via Distrophonix, an IODA member, which the IODA belongs to Sony. In fact, I was the one who asked to have it re-released. Part of why I felt it was okay is that I am still going to give away the album, still retain the rights to the music, and am doing this more for the media-related benefits. I want to gain as much exposure as possible, and unfortunately releasing through a label makes that much easier to gain exposure. I hope you all understand why I did this, and I ask your forgiveness for doing this... Leave any feelings about what I should do for future releases as comments...
I am very sorry to say, that I broke a promise I had made to you, the fans. I promised to stop using record labels. I gave to okay to have Dethcentrik's Untitled EP re-released via Distrophonix, an IODA member, which the IODA belongs to Sony. In fact, I was the one who asked to have it re-released. Part of why I felt it was okay is that I am still going to give away the album, still retain the rights to the music, and am doing this more for the media-related benefits. I want to gain as much exposure as possible, and unfortunately releasing through a label makes that much easier to gain exposure. I hope you all understand why I did this, and I ask your forgiveness for doing this... Leave any feelings about what I should do for future releases as comments...
I was demonstrating how to create music using home equipment and free software. I did an example of a drum machine by mixing it in with a guitar solo from Rip My Heart Out. He said it actually fit.
Do you agree?
I myself thought it sounded good when I first listened, but I believe it was, possibly on both our parts, simply because when you make a beat in a few seconds randomly clicking drums you don't expect it to sound better than shit.
Do you agree?
I myself thought it sounded good when I first listened, but I believe it was, possibly on both our parts, simply because when you make a beat in a few seconds randomly clicking drums you don't expect it to sound better than shit.
25 July, 2011
Attacks in Norway
I am very sorry to hear about the recent hateful acts in Norway. Acts of such bigotry and ignorance are a true stain on humanity. In fact, I apologize my delay in taking notice to the details of the attacks and expressing my sorrow to everyone in the country of Norway, and to the world for such a tragic event. I am upset that people, including myself, took notice as such minuscule events such as the death of a pop singer and the release of a movie over a real event with real world impact, and resumed their daily lives. I call on everyone that reads this to take a moment and give silence, prayer, or whatever you the reader feel is the most respectful use of the time you can give, to acknowledge this tragic event and the sorrow you as a human being should feel towards it.
20 July, 2011
A book that recognizes the art form heavy metal and hardcore really are!
Heavy Metal and Hardcore are often underrated as an art-form, and the music is truly created by the greatest artists of the modern age. Finally, a book recognizing the art that comes out the heavy metal and hardcore scenes is about to be released!

15 July, 2011
The United States... Going down the tubes
For a couple days I noticed a lot of talk about the government and their talks to "fix" our economy. They sit and insult the opposite party as if they were an enemy. How stupid is that!? This nation is about to completely fall apart and here are both sides insulting and blaming each other. My personal take is that insulting and blaming are just as much "not solving the problem." Maybe when all the citizens of the United States are starving they'll be thinking enough about food and water that they won't have the energy to fight! So many countries are far worse off than the United States, and people there struggle to survive. Yet, as a truly spoiled country the United States can still fight with itself...
Black metal the genre, it's dead.
If I had to classify my favorite genre of metal, and quite possibly music itself I would say "black metal" simply because that's what a majority of the bands at the top of my list would fall under. However, I believe the best bands defy genres. I'd like to think the music created by projects I've involved with, and music I create doesn't fit into one "genre," I'd like to think it's evolved beyond that point. I feel a bit upset to see so many people scrutinize black metal bands that evolved past the genre boundaries, to me it means they're better than simply "black metal." Being a black metal band likely puts a band near my top favorites, evolving beyond the genre puts a band at the top. Oh, and if someone says they only enjoy one genre of music: they're lying! That isn't possible. It means they're afraid to tell you, or they don't listen to other genres because they are weak minded and are doing what they're told! I posted a rant earlier on my Last.fm, if you are so inclined to see my initial reaction to this needing to come out, it is here: http://www.last.fm/user/nafets1218/journal/2011/07/15/4hjfdj_my_take_on_%22black_metal%22
21 June, 2011
The Gauntlet's world premier of the "Columbine Justice Spree" video!
The World premier of the video for "Columbine Justice Spree" is on The Gauntlet right now! Full article is here: http://www.thegauntlet.com/article/4370/21953/DETHCENTRIK-Releases-Controversial-New-Video and is the video by itself is embedded below:
14 May, 2011
To Clarify...
I'm not going to try to get back any friends and/or fans I've lost, but I do want to clarify for those willing to listen what has been fabricated about me, and what is true.
I have made homophobic and racists remarks: FALSE. This is a fairly localized rumor, but it has gotten me into more trouble than it is worth by far...
I have mentioned violence. TRUE. I have threatened violence. FALSE. Read my lyrics, they aren't pretty, but they are not intended as something to take for face value. I also got in trouble for a recent posting that has appeared on my social networking profiles, I don't know how it was mistakable as a threat of violence for that matter.
For anyone's sake, listen to what they have to say before and preferably rather than what others say about them. Rumors are hurtful, and bullying is something I am personally appalled by. Anyone that listens to my music knows I don't conform to typical boundaries, and knows I pick into touchy subject matter, I myself understand I will occasionally be misquoted or misunderstood, but there is a line between misrepresentation and blatant lying!
I have made homophobic and racists remarks: FALSE. This is a fairly localized rumor, but it has gotten me into more trouble than it is worth by far...
I have mentioned violence. TRUE. I have threatened violence. FALSE. Read my lyrics, they aren't pretty, but they are not intended as something to take for face value. I also got in trouble for a recent posting that has appeared on my social networking profiles, I don't know how it was mistakable as a threat of violence for that matter.
For anyone's sake, listen to what they have to say before and preferably rather than what others say about them. Rumors are hurtful, and bullying is something I am personally appalled by. Anyone that listens to my music knows I don't conform to typical boundaries, and knows I pick into touchy subject matter, I myself understand I will occasionally be misquoted or misunderstood, but there is a line between misrepresentation and blatant lying!
08 May, 2011
My Life So Far...
Sometimes I think of the events in life and where they've landed me. I said no to being a Disney star in Middle School. I went through some tough shit late high school and met Meghan, the first girl that didn't outright hate me. I started music because I was sick of my friends having no time to hang out because of their garage bands. My brother's friend died of cancer, I turned away from God, I got to college, I got a large number of friends, I blew it with most of those "friends" and kept the real ones. I met Lauren at Target, and got my foot slammed in a car door. I started to find hope again, a reason to live, stopped blaming God for all my problems...Here I am today...
23 April, 2011
Dark Fantasies...
Recently saw a Yahoo News Story that made my dark side come out:
I think for this guy, we should decapitate Lil' Wayne by pulling his head off by the dreads, then hack up Eminem with a machete, piss on him, and make this guy watch. Then as a medical experiment, we see if we can grow gonorrhea in his eye socket by letting people pull his eye out and repeatedly fuck it... People like this and rapists/pedophiles should be medically experimented on like the rats they are... I also believe it would help debunk holocaust deniers if we would reopen the Auschwitz camp for pedophiles, and have a tour with the tour guides' opening line being "At one time people who didn't deserve this were put here." I'm sick of "human rights" being given to animals, and I believe political correctness has made us soft and weak... Because the legal system is too squeamish to handle things in a truly fair manner, we really have vigilantes to thank for keeping our streets truly clean, the ones that kill pedophiles and take the initiative to clean the streets for the police, not to mention free of tax dollars and charge...
I think for this guy, we should decapitate Lil' Wayne by pulling his head off by the dreads, then hack up Eminem with a machete, piss on him, and make this guy watch. Then as a medical experiment, we see if we can grow gonorrhea in his eye socket by letting people pull his eye out and repeatedly fuck it... People like this and rapists/pedophiles should be medically experimented on like the rats they are... I also believe it would help debunk holocaust deniers if we would reopen the Auschwitz camp for pedophiles, and have a tour with the tour guides' opening line being "At one time people who didn't deserve this were put here." I'm sick of "human rights" being given to animals, and I believe political correctness has made us soft and weak... Because the legal system is too squeamish to handle things in a truly fair manner, we really have vigilantes to thank for keeping our streets truly clean, the ones that kill pedophiles and take the initiative to clean the streets for the police, not to mention free of tax dollars and charge...
09 April, 2011
Artwork to appear in major book!
Hi all!
Have some BIG news! Artwork for Dethcentrik has made it into MaoMao Publications/Harper Collins' book of Hardcore and Metal Graphic Art! This is a huge honor, to be with the likes of Sunn O))) , Misery Index, Sabaton, Unearth, AC/DC, and yes, even Slipknot. This book isn't out yet, but when it comes out I would greatly appreciate if any of my friends (you reading this) would go out and buy this book! I will keep everyone up-to-date!
Have some BIG news! Artwork for Dethcentrik has made it into MaoMao Publications/Harper Collins' book of Hardcore and Metal Graphic Art! This is a huge honor, to be with the likes of Sunn O))) , Misery Index, Sabaton, Unearth, AC/DC, and yes, even Slipknot. This book isn't out yet, but when it comes out I would greatly appreciate if any of my friends (you reading this) would go out and buy this book! I will keep everyone up-to-date!
Thank you: The Press
This is gonna sound like a stupid thing to just blog and say, but Thank you press! Good press, bad press, underground and mainstream. I realize after being in/on Mega Metal Magazine, Terrorizer Magazine, Radio Free Satan, Metalhead Radio, Wolfhound Metal Radio, PodKaista, One Step Beyond Radio, Core Of Destruction Radio, etc, that while I may not be famous, my name has gotten out there, and this is in some regard preparing for a big announcement I have to make on my blog regarding some new recognition, and definitely the biggest form of recognition in my career.
01 March, 2011
Crucified Babies out earlier than originally planned, free Dethcentrik music.
Wanted to inform you all that the release date for Crucified Babies under one of our partners was moved up to April 5th. That said, I am scrambling to get last-minute reviewers, and am encouraging anyone who wants to review to album to email me: sgklein @deathincarnaterecords.com (remove the space when you create the email). There's also a free darker EP I released as Dethcentrik available now at my Jamendo account ( http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/Dethcentrik ).
Thanks for the continued support!
Wanted to inform you all that the release date for Crucified Babies under one of our partners was moved up to April 5th. That said, I am scrambling to get last-minute reviewers, and am encouraging anyone who wants to review to album to email me: sgklein @deathincarnaterecords.com (remove the space when you create the email). There's also a free darker EP I released as Dethcentrik available now at my Jamendo account ( http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/Dethcentrik ).
Thanks for the continued support!
23 February, 2011
I explain my projects
Død Beverte, the industrial mastermind behind Dethcentrik explained why he releases under two names, and publicly revealed a new collaborative project.
"I'm releasing this next album Crucified Babies, under my own name rather than Dethcentrik because the sound is far more industrial. I will use the Dethcentrik name again when it sounds more metal/grindcore, rest assured. Locals want Dethcentrik to go away, which is partly why it won't, but I think with a fluctuating sound having a name for two extremes rather than confusing the Hell out of people when the sound goes back and forth is only logical."
Død stated that he plans on keeping the contracts that maintain the current Dethcentrik releases, keeping them available everywhere they are now.
"The problems I had with distribution was the amount of distributors and labels I had to contact. I will maintain relationships I have. The reason I chose CD Baby for my solo release was too see if this would be easier to initiate than some of my previous contracts."
He added that licensing agencies were his top frustration. Work has been reject due to offensive content sometimes even after a contract had been signed.
"Licensing agencies have been my biggest hassle, sometimes in retrospect I feel my only hassle. I debate whether I should use them sometimes, but I look for unique ways to expose my music. Of course the lyrics are violent, but why is rap so much less bad?"
Død revealed a new collaborative project as well.
"I am teaming with S. Inferno, originally of the cult-followed black metal band Vampiric Tyrant, to create a avantgarde metal project called 'Divine Punishment.' Material should be in the works soon, so it's one to keep in ear open for. I've 'leaked' info on the web if you can find it."
(Press release version available here: http://mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=139125 )
"I'm releasing this next album Crucified Babies, under my own name rather than Dethcentrik because the sound is far more industrial. I will use the Dethcentrik name again when it sounds more metal/grindcore, rest assured. Locals want Dethcentrik to go away, which is partly why it won't, but I think with a fluctuating sound having a name for two extremes rather than confusing the Hell out of people when the sound goes back and forth is only logical."
Død stated that he plans on keeping the contracts that maintain the current Dethcentrik releases, keeping them available everywhere they are now.
"The problems I had with distribution was the amount of distributors and labels I had to contact. I will maintain relationships I have. The reason I chose CD Baby for my solo release was too see if this would be easier to initiate than some of my previous contracts."
He added that licensing agencies were his top frustration. Work has been reject due to offensive content sometimes even after a contract had been signed.
"Licensing agencies have been my biggest hassle, sometimes in retrospect I feel my only hassle. I debate whether I should use them sometimes, but I look for unique ways to expose my music. Of course the lyrics are violent, but why is rap so much less bad?"
Død revealed a new collaborative project as well.
"I am teaming with S. Inferno, originally of the cult-followed black metal band Vampiric Tyrant, to create a avantgarde metal project called 'Divine Punishment.' Material should be in the works soon, so it's one to keep in ear open for. I've 'leaked' info on the web if you can find it."
(Press release version available here: http://mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=139125 )
15 February, 2011
The Simples Answers Can be the Best
I'm still getting over an illness. But I have decided to sink in and distribute through CD Baby. I am frustrated by other distributors and labels, namely in how poor they are at maintaining communication, and I look forward hopefully being able to distribute an album without as much required "middle-man" contact. While I will start with fewer stores, I may contact some myself. Having said that, a lot of the Død Beverte solo work may be less accessible than the last Dethcentrik release. I plan on gradually building up the label to distribute to stores more directly, seeing as how I am generally so bothered by having to go through someone else first. I am willing to help artists still, and I may still work with some labels my friends own, but I wanted to make this clear before any surprises came about...
06 February, 2011
BIG changes for the band
Apologies for the lack of video log updates, progress is going good, will make one soon. The band name will be changing by the next release. Since Dethcentrik has generally been the solo project of Død Beverte, it will be named as such. All material released under "Dethcentrik" will remain under that name, but future release will be by "Død Beverte." I will slowly be transitioning sites, etc to reflect this change. Thank you all for the support, and no the music won't stop, the band won't cease to exist, the information and structure is just changing.
23 January, 2011
Dethcentrik video log 23rd January
New video blog post!
Here's a couple stream links to the track mentioned on the video: http://bit.ly/i7BLTf , http://mysp.ac/ha9h3l
Here's a couple stream links to the track mentioned on the video: http://bit.ly/i7BLTf , http://mysp.ac/ha9h3l
17 January, 2011
Why Won't You Die? Video out on the web!
Hey all! Real quick update: we have our first official music video out online now!
Expect video logs to continue soon, wanted to share this music video, and please share it with friends!
Expect video logs to continue soon, wanted to share this music video, and please share it with friends!
05 January, 2011
Finally! A new video log!
Been a while, and I'm finally getting over my illness!
We are seeking new live performance members for after the album is complete, please check out our listing on JoinMyBand.co.uk: http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/industrial-metal-band-seeks-new-members-t177050.html
We are seeking new live performance members for after the album is complete, please check out our listing on JoinMyBand.co.uk: http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/industrial-metal-band-seeks-new-members-t177050.html
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