24 October, 2011
Christian/Goverment Group Is Trying To Screw People With Opposing Viewpoints!
In case you didn't know, Colorado Springs is a corrupt hellhole, here's just one past example to verify what I mean. Well, as it turns out, the local government and certain religious groups are in cahoots to spy on people that don't see eye-to-eye with them, you can see that document HERE. According to this document "3000 members...one of Satan's strongholds" in reference to a church is a threat. We won't give any other names they have on their list here other than Dethcentrik. Yes, Dethcentrik's disagreement with evangelicals has landed them a spot as a threat, and apparently has given the government (law enforcement is specifically listed) permission to "monitor, record vehicle, get photos, observe associates." The bottom of the page even has "Symbols to watch for on bumper stickers" in a smaller font under the email text. There are indications that this PDF isn't even complete with all the things they've written, as you can't see what symbols they were looking for and "Individual band member photos in separate page" is printed above the email. Below is the slide about Dethcentrik:
The moral of the story is: the world is pretty fucked up, and even things you are promised (ie racial equality, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, etc here in the United States) tend to be a load of bull simply because biases and money corrupt. In parts of the world people are punished with torture and death for their beliefs, people are raped, children starve. People should do what little they can to fix this unfair, cruel world, and not use their beliefs (or say they believe something they don't) as a means to give in and simply take everything for themselves because it's easier...
01 October, 2011
Reviews, further networking, internet radio, and more!
Hello all! Got some important events/updates to tell you all about. First is that we are in need of reviews, here's an excellent review of my solo album Crucified Babies:
If you would like to review any Dethcentrik material or my solo work please email sgklein@deathincarnaterecords.com . We are currently looking to get reviews of Why the Innocent Die Young as our top priority album, and reviewing that album means you get to hear it before everyone else!
Secondly, we are in the midst of expanding our network, we fairly recently got a Tumblr. I won't deny that I still have to adjust to using it, so please pardon the current lack of content, I should be able to update it more often as it becomes more routine.
We are also trying to get more fans and listeners across internet radio, specifically Pandora, Last.fm, and Jango. I also should note that my solo work has a separate Last.fm page.
And lastly, but certainly no less important to mention is that Dethcentrik and I are on Spotify, and streams are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the support all, you fuckin' rock!\m/
If you would like to review any Dethcentrik material or my solo work please email sgklein@deathincarnaterecords.com . We are currently looking to get reviews of Why the Innocent Die Young as our top priority album, and reviewing that album means you get to hear it before everyone else!
Secondly, we are in the midst of expanding our network, we fairly recently got a Tumblr. I won't deny that I still have to adjust to using it, so please pardon the current lack of content, I should be able to update it more often as it becomes more routine.
We are also trying to get more fans and listeners across internet radio, specifically Pandora, Last.fm, and Jango. I also should note that my solo work has a separate Last.fm page.
And lastly, but certainly no less important to mention is that Dethcentrik and I are on Spotify, and streams are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the support all, you fuckin' rock!\m/
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