25 July, 2011
Attacks in Norway
I am very sorry to hear about the recent hateful acts in Norway. Acts of such bigotry and ignorance are a true stain on humanity. In fact, I apologize my delay in taking notice to the details of the attacks and expressing my sorrow to everyone in the country of Norway, and to the world for such a tragic event. I am upset that people, including myself, took notice as such minuscule events such as the death of a pop singer and the release of a movie over a real event with real world impact, and resumed their daily lives. I call on everyone that reads this to take a moment and give silence, prayer, or whatever you the reader feel is the most respectful use of the time you can give, to acknowledge this tragic event and the sorrow you as a human being should feel towards it.
20 July, 2011
A book that recognizes the art form heavy metal and hardcore really are!
Heavy Metal and Hardcore are often underrated as an art-form, and the music is truly created by the greatest artists of the modern age. Finally, a book recognizing the art that comes out the heavy metal and hardcore scenes is about to be released!

15 July, 2011
The United States... Going down the tubes
For a couple days I noticed a lot of talk about the government and their talks to "fix" our economy. They sit and insult the opposite party as if they were an enemy. How stupid is that!? This nation is about to completely fall apart and here are both sides insulting and blaming each other. My personal take is that insulting and blaming are just as much "not solving the problem." Maybe when all the citizens of the United States are starving they'll be thinking enough about food and water that they won't have the energy to fight! So many countries are far worse off than the United States, and people there struggle to survive. Yet, as a truly spoiled country the United States can still fight with itself...
Black metal the genre, it's dead.
If I had to classify my favorite genre of metal, and quite possibly music itself I would say "black metal" simply because that's what a majority of the bands at the top of my list would fall under. However, I believe the best bands defy genres. I'd like to think the music created by projects I've involved with, and music I create doesn't fit into one "genre," I'd like to think it's evolved beyond that point. I feel a bit upset to see so many people scrutinize black metal bands that evolved past the genre boundaries, to me it means they're better than simply "black metal." Being a black metal band likely puts a band near my top favorites, evolving beyond the genre puts a band at the top. Oh, and if someone says they only enjoy one genre of music: they're lying! That isn't possible. It means they're afraid to tell you, or they don't listen to other genres because they are weak minded and are doing what they're told! I posted a rant earlier on my Last.fm, if you are so inclined to see my initial reaction to this needing to come out, it is here: http://www.last.fm/user/nafets1218/journal/2011/07/15/4hjfdj_my_take_on_%22black_metal%22
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